Pilgrim House

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Pilgrim House

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Membership Chair

Activities of the Membership Committee are coordinated by the Membership Chair, who chairs the committee.


Maintains a list of visitors and members for the board.


  • Provides a supply of visitor cards, to be completed by visitors who want more information about PH.
  • Sees that visitors are added to our newsletter mailing list.
  • Sees that visitors children are added to our RE list.
  • Follows up on any questions raised on visitor cards.

New Members

  • Once visitors become "regulars", approaches them about the benefits and responsibilities of becoming a member.
  • Distributes membership cards to potential new members.
  • Plans appropriate Welcoming Activities for new members.

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Contact the webmaster:  pilgrimhouse@pilgrimhouseuua.org

Page last modified on November 05, 2007, at 05:13 AM