Pilgrim HouseUnitarian Universalist FellowshipDirections![]() Parking is available in the 3 areas marked with P. Address1212 W. Highway 96 Arden Hills, MN 55112 First get to Highway 96 (County Road G)Heading North on I-35W : Take the Highway 96 exit (the first exit after I-694). Turn right (east) onto Highway 96. Go past the light at US 10, and past the light at Hamline, approaching PH going east on Highway 96.
Heading South on I-35W : Take the Highway 96 exit, turn left (east) onto Highway 96, cross over I-35W, and proceed as above.
Heading East on I-694 : Turn north on I-35W at the cloverleaf, and take the next exit, which is the Highway 96 exit. Follow the directions above, turning right (east) onto Highway 96.
Heading West on I-694 : You can either turn north on I-35W at the cloverleaf, proceeding as above, or take the Lexington Ave. exit. If you take Lexington, turn right (north) on Lexington, and proceed as below.
Heading North on Snelling/Hamline : Go over I-694, keeping to the left to continue on Hamline. Hamline will T into Highway 96, as above.
Heading North on Lexington : Go past I-694 to County Road F (the first light after the I-694 interchanges), turn left (west) onto County Road F, following it until it T’s into Hamline. Turn right (north) onto Hamline and follow it to Highway 96 as above.
Now that you’re on Highway 96![]() Heading East on Highway 96 : Pilgrim House is to the right of the road, after the light at Hamline Ave. but before the light at Lexington Ave. Look for our sign (pictured at right). If you miss the entrance to the driveway, the median on Highway 96 will require you to make a U-turn at the Lexington light; then backtrack to a median break (or to Hamline) for another U-turn and a second pass. Our parking lot is behind the building, and the main entrance to the building is from the parking lot in the back.
Heading West on Highway 96 : From the Lexington light, go to the median break at Arden Hills City Hall (or to the Hamline light), make a U-turn, and approach going east as above.
Parking at Pilgrim HousePilgrim House Driveway: Because of the median in Highway 96, the driveway is right turn in and out. U-turns are permitted at the Hamline and Lexington lights, and at the median break near Arden Hills City Hall.
Maximizing Pilgrim House Parking Lot: Occasionally the Pilgrim House parking lot fills up. We are no longer permitted to park along Highway 96 now that it has a turn lane. An additional 6 or 7 cars can be parked parallel to the curb on the east side of our driveway.
Overflow Parking: Both Arden Hills City Hall and the Armory on the north side of Highway 96 permit parking for Pilgrim House in their lots. The Armory lot is closer to our driveway. (Please be careful crossing Highway 96 on foot; there are no pedestrian crossings except at the stop lights at Hamline and Lexington.)
Contact the webmaster: pilgrimhouse@pilgrimhouseuua.org
Page last modified on May 30, 2019, at 04:15 AM