Pilgrim House

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Pilgrim House

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Landscape Sequence

Plan | Key | Zones | Sequence

The letter and note beside each project description identifies the implementation order recommended by our Landscape Architect, Laurie McRostie.

  1. Zone 5 on the Landscape Plan – WEST SIDE –
    This project should be completed first. Clearing has created a large void and good plants need to be established before weeds and other volunteers creep in.
    1. Plant Black Hills spruce in site selected strategic locations to screen views.
    2. Plant Redtwig Dogwood and grasses in swale – this will facilitate drainage in this area.
    3. Remove Buckthorn and existing Gray Dogwood will grow. Keep Black Locust trees.
  2. Zone 1 on the Landscape Plan – DRAINAGE AREA –
    Clean up the drainage rock soon.
    1. Clean up drainage area.
    2. Make sure rocks are placed correctly.
    3. Plant Reed Grass, Joe Pye Weed and Siberian Iris.
  3. Zone 6 on the Landscape Plan – COMPOST BINS –
    This project should be done this spring. It is easy and moving the bins will improve the view a lot.
    1. Locate compost bins together and close to the wall as shown on the plan.
    2. Allow existing shrubs to grow, or plant new Spirea shrubs behind the compost bins
    3. Install stone steppers as walkway up to the compost bins. They can be cleared in winter.
  4. Zone 2 on the Landscape Plan – EAST SIDE –
    Plant Techny Arborvitae first. Clear buckthorn and then plant Spruce and shrubs and perennials.
    1. Plant Techny Arborvitae to join neighbors screen.
    2. Plant Black Hills spruce in site selected strategic locations to screen views. Plant Lo-Gro Sumac shrubs as understory in this area.
    3. Remove invasive Buckthorn. Keep as much Gray Dogwood as possible. Plant Pagoda Dogwood, and Gray Dogwood for shrubs. Plant Daylilies or Hosta or Ferns at ground plane. Determine if any good woodland plants are growing and save them. Mulch all area with 4–6 inches or more of shredded hardwood mulch. Every two years top dress old mulch with 2 inches of new mulch. This will control weeds. Eventually plants will fill in the area and mulch will not be required.
  5. Zone 4 on the Landscape Plan – SOUTH SIDE –
    The south lot line needs to be planted soon after the east and west edges are clear. This task could be completed prior to the east side if it seems best to coordinate with those neighbors first.
    1. Retain large open lawn area and play area for kids, picnics or special events.
    2. Plant back lot line with shrubs that spread and daylilies or ostrich ferns for an edge.
Note – On April 2nd, our neighbor to the south. Mr. Haglund, at 1191 Karth Lake Road, withdrew his request for evergreen screening along the fence line. In retrospect, he has decided that our plan is acceptable as is, and looks forward to its completion.
  1. Zone 10 on the Landscape Plan – SIGN –
    This project could be completed as soon as someone wanted to plant the Hawthorn. It is not a critical project so is not first on the list.
    1. Plant Hawthorne at end of sign. This is a small, round tree that will frame edge of sign and anchor the sign to the site. Plantings are already seasonal in sign bed – keep them.
    This planting can be delayed unless water and drainage becomes a bigger issue. It is recommended that additional expertise be contacted for advice and technical direction on this improvement. Planting annuals and lowering the edger at the beds could be done without additional advice.
    1. Lower planting bed and planting bed edger – this edger is too high, dirt flows over edge.
    2. Over time remove all grass and plant area with Hosta – Mulch the area and make sure the edge is lower than the sidewalk.
    3. Make sure that gutters are cleaned in the fall and the spring.
    4. Plant annuals around the Peace Pole
  3. Zone 3 on the Landscape Plan – SOUTH-EAST CORNER –
    This project should be completed as the last stage of clearing buckthorn. A good buffer is still in place even if it looks too wild.
    1. Clear out small gathering space. Plant large trees to form special gathering area. Can be used by individuals or for special events. Mulch the area or plant "No-Mow" grass in gathering area and install a bench.
    2. Plant ostrich ferns and daylilies for ground cover. These are low plants and will allow views into the corner. Plant a large evergreen for screening neighbors.
  4. Zone 1 on the Landscape Plan – FRONT SLOPE –
    No-Mow grass can be planted in the future after other projects are complete.
    1. Plant with "No-Mow" grass. Minimal mowing required – grass stays at 6 inches and requires mowing once or twice a year. See http://www.prairienursery.com
  5. Zone 8 on the Landscape Plan – NORTH-WEST CORNER OF YARD –
    This is a low priority corner, and although simple could be done at the end of all the projects.
    1. Plant Serviceberry (small tree) in the corner. This plant will be marker for corner and direct views to building.
    2. Plant Lo-grow Sumac bush to spread in woods under trees.
  6. Zone 11 on the Landscape Plan – FOUNDATION PLANTINGS / TREES –
    Foundation plantings would enhance the building and the site. The edges and buckthorn removal are more critical projects. In addition foundation planting may not happen until other project around the building or expansion occurs. One thing however is that foundation plantings could be part of a memorial planting project and could move ahead more quickly than suggested.
    1. Minimal foundation plantings should be planted.
    2. Plant Techny Arborvitae (columnar evergreen) at three corners. Plant Techny Arborvitae at the end and north side of the ramp to screen it from highway 96.
    3. Plant a Globe Techny Arborvitae and a columnar Techny at the North-east corner. These plants will anchor the building to the ground and contrast with the white siding framing the building.
    4. Keep some of the existing Lilacs and add Sea Green Juniper along the side.
    5. Plant Scandia Juniper in front of the wood accessibility ramp on the south side.
    6. Plant Magic Carpet Spirea at the corner of the new patio or at the foundation if you do not build the patio.
    7. Professionally prune large site trees for health and safety.
  7. Zone 9 on the Landscape Plan – FRONT OF BUILDING / YARD –
    The patio and labyrinth are long term dreams. The only issue that could make this project a priority is if the drainage gets worse. Some work might need to be done sooner and expertise should be obtained in order to grade the area correctly.
    1. Install stone patio or paver patio at front entry. Correct drainage in ingress window area at time of construction. This space can be used for special events, classes or meetings when the weather is nice.
    2. Install Labyrinth in front yard. Construct Labyrinth so that mowing is not a problem.
    3. Keep front lawn open for play and as open view of building.
    4. Keep Spruce Trees – landmark for Pilgrim House.
  8. Zone 12 on the Landscape Plan – FUTURE EXPANSIONS –
    Future projects are dependent on the direction of the Church membership and a sequence is not suggested.
    1. The parking lot is shown as it could be expanded in the future. A wall will be required to retain the parking. If the building expands in the area shown the parking lot and wall can be modified and incorporated into the building design.

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Page last modified on April 03, 2008, at 11:20 AM