Pilgrim House

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Pilgrim House

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Board Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past-Chair

Prepared March 27, 2003


The Pilgrim House Board Chair is responsible for the business operations of Pilgrim House. PH Bylaws identify this as a 3-year term of office. At the annual meeting each year the membership elects a Chair-Elect.

In the first year of his/her election, the Chair-Elect attends Board meetings and observes the day-to-day operations of Pilgrim House. In April and May, the Chair-Elect appoints and chairs the Nominating Committee, which provides a slate of candidates for the elective PH offices (Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer). The Chair-Elect also coordinates the solicitation and identification of volunteers for volunteer positions in the coming year.

In the second year of his/her election, the Chair-Elect advances to the position of Board Chair. In this capacity, he/she leads the PH Board as they guide PH through the year.

In the third year of his/her election, the Chair advances to the position of Past-Chair, a position with few stated responsibilities other than to attend Board meetings and provide continuity and background to previous Board activities.

Sometimes, this person pursues a long-range goal during their term of office. Examples of this include the first and second PH Long Range Planning activities, construction of our new building addition, attaining student interns, etc. Others just do their best to keep things moving smoothly along.


In his/her first year, the Chair-Elect attends Board meetings and other special meetings as he/she is able. His/her primary responsibility is to become familiar with the operational aspects of PH. He/she must also become familiar with the PH membership to identify candidates for next year’s PH elective positions (especially Chair-Elect) and to position him/herself to identify volunteers and take over day-to-day operations of PH in his/her second year.

At the beginning of his/her second year, during the Annual Meeting, a new Chair-Elect is elected, the current Chair-Elect advances to Chair, and the previous Chair advances to Past-Chair. At the time of his/her advancement, the new Chair takes over running the Annual Meeting. For the remainder of the year, the Chair presides over all Board meetings, duly called PH Special Membership meetings, and the beginning of the next Annual Meeting. In the event of his/her unavoidable absence at any such meeting, the Chair-Elect or the Past-Chair serves as a stand-in chair.

At the beginning of his/her third year, the Chair advances to Past-Chair. In this role, his/her primary responsibility is to provide continuity and a historical perspective to the PH board, although many Past-Chairs volunteer for other duties and/or continue to pursue any special projects they previously initiated.

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