Pilgrim HouseUnitarian Universalist FellowshipNight OutTwice a year (fall and spring), the PH Night Out Coordinator organizes groups of people (6-8) for the purpose getting together for a meal and socializing. These can be held at a participant’s' homes or at Pilgrim House Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. The organizer checks to see what dates are open in the spring and fall on the church calendar. Each season, usually two nights are chosen. The coordinator announces the dates and detail of the meeting during the Sunday program. Clipboard are passed during Sunday program for people to sign up as a host or participant. Children can participate too. The coordinator uses an excel spreadsheet to determine good matches based on past PH Nights Out, location, and driving distance. The Pilgrim House directory is used to find email, phone and address information to do this. After the matches have been made, the coordinator gives each participant their assigned group information (with host and other guests noted) on a sheet of paper to confirm. The coordinator also answers any questions that the host or guests have about the gatherings. If there are any participants that want to sign up after the assignments have been made, the coordinator does his/her best to assign the participant to a group. Host duties: Coordinates the time after the participants have been assigned. Indicates how many people you can host for the evening (6-8) Provides the beverage and well and main dish. Asks the guests if they have any food allergies, likes, or dislikes regarding food. Contacts the participants about time, location, and food to bring. Provides directions and to the location for the agreed time. Guest duties: Emails or responds to the host communication Communicates what dish/food you will bring to share. Considers ride sharing. Arrives at the host’s house and has fun! |
Contact the webmaster: pilgrimhouse@pilgrimhouseuua.org
Page last modified on September 28, 2016, at 02:11 AM