Archives: Services

TCAAP/Rice Creek Commons

Tena Monson from the Arden Hills City Council will provide an update on the Rice Creek Commons development and the ways Pilgrim House might influence this project.

The World Has Need of You

Through readings and musical interludes, essayist Richard Terrill and pianist Larry McDonough will explore the ways that our dependence on each other, and with elements of the physical world, defines our experience. The presentation explores three varieties of interdependence: between two people, between a person and the physical world, and among people in concert. Readings … Continue reading The World Has Need of You

Upstream Minnesota – Loving Where We Live

Going Upstream: Using powerful and positive storytelling to build bridges, create common ground and inspire stewardship Background About Upstream: Discovering Your Upstream Story: Going Upstream: Andy Goldman-Gray is the Executive Director of Upstream.  He’s spent his career in cause marketing helping to connect people with their passion for community service.  He’s led campaigns that have … Continue reading Upstream Minnesota – Loving Where We Live