What does it mean to be “human”?
This is a topic that has intrigued scholars, mystics, and theologians across continents and cultures ever since our species was able to differentiate itself from other animals. As a thought experiment, it is certainly a curiosity. But the longer I sit with this question, the more I wonder about the practical everyday application of our answer. This leads to other questions:
Are we born human? Or do we become human?
How does our definition of being human influence how we treat one another?
In what ways does our understanding of our humanity inspire growth in our personal lives and relationships?
What sorts of communities do we create when we share an understanding of our humanity?
As we deepen our own understanding of these answers, I believe this gives us a profound opportunity to grow into our own humanity, and provide space for others to do the same. I look forward to joining you this year so we can live into these questions together.