Novel Exchange Book Club
The Novel Exchange book club meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. We meet at 12:30 pm. Check the calendar for the next meeting date. The group is open to all PH members and friends. If you have questions or are interested in joining the group contact Mary Carlson. When the group formed, we adopted a set of guidelines. These guide our group and are open to revision as needed.
The guidelines for this book club are in the pdf file NovelExchangeGuidelines2020.pdf.
Upcoming books for 2024
April 24: The Book of Hope by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams
May 22: How to Know a Person by David Brooks
June 26: A Gathering of Old Men by Ernest Gaines
July 24: Untold Power: The Fascinating and Complex Legacy of First Lady Edith Wilson by Rebecca Boggs Roberts
August 28: There There by Tommy Orange
September 25: Chronicles of a Radical Hag by Lorna Landvik
October 23: North Woods by Daniel Mason
December (Date TBD): Here For It by Eric Thomas